My wolf is named Juniper Muddyfoot, my penguin is named Incredible Articstar, my lion is King of the Jungle, my bunny is Fuzzy Vinepaw, my crocodile is Little Canyonclaw, my seal is Enchanted Desertmoon, my monkey is Lucky Spiritgirl, my other wolf is Snowflake Icyrose, my octopus is Bouncing Jellystar, adn my horse is Victory Templeviolet.
My favorite animal is a wolf. In my free time I read or play on the computer. My favorite food is nachos. I also have accounts on Fantage, Club Penguin, Wee World, and Poptropica. (although i almost never go on them)
Juniper |
Snowflake |
I saw your comment on Animal Jam Rush. Can you buddy me? My username is AquilonKid711. I am a member.